Addiction is one of the most challenging phases of life an individual has to encounter. If proper care and support is not given, the individual’s sobriety will not be sustained in the long run. On the other hand, once an addicted person receives ample support and care, it would be easy to remain sober.

Below are three categories of people important to addiction treatment:
Counselors and Therapist
The first point of contact in addiction treatment is the counselor. The counselor helps the individual to crack their addiction problem. The counselor needs the cooperation of the addicted individual to acknowledge their addiction problem so that a treatment plan can be created for them.
When there is a treatment plan, the therapist takes over the next phase of addiction treatment in a bid to restore the individual back to sobriety.
The family is the closest unit any individual belongs to. If someone is addicted, the first set of people to know is the family. Hence, depending on the tide of things, the family might be the person’s greatest advantage or undoing.
Typically, the family has different show of response to their loved one’s addiction and it all stems from the place of concern and care. The addicted individual misinterprets this and becomes at loggerheads with the family.
It would do the family and their addicted loved one more good if they entered addiction treatment together. There, the family will understand the root cause of their loved ones’ addiction and they will learn how to combat it together.
Friends are an integral part of our lives. In fact, for some, friends have become family. The availability of friends is sometimes responsible for an individual’s addiction. And if the person is lucky, the friends they have can discourage them from treading that part.
During addiction treatment, friends have to be with the addicted individual to provide the needed support and care, in addition to what the family provides. When the individual sees the great care coming from friends, they will be motivated to cooperate and follow through with the addiction treatment.